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I, Michael Bennett
James Patterson, Michael Ledwidge
Reunion in Death (In Death 14)
J D Robb
James A. Michener
Tao Te Ching
Toinette Lippe, Jane English, Gia-Fu Feng, Jacob Needleman, Laozi
Circular Knitting Workshop: Essential Techniques to Master Knitting in the Round
Margaret Radcliffe
A Song of Ice and Fire
George R.R. Martin

The Winter Ghosts

The Winter Ghosts - Kate Mosse so many people raved about this book and I enjoyed her Sepulchre so perhaps I was expecting more but there didn't seem to be any direction just a rambling mish-mash but maybe that is the point I don't know.I felt that this was a short story stretched into a short book as a filler between greater tomes